FELT-Impact Measure of Success

The FELT-Impact Measure of Success form ensures that PSS program implementation is anchored on the Core Competencies for Peer Support Workers national best practices and principles.

The FELT-Impact Measure of Success forms are anchored on the felt effectiveness of the PSS from their perspective regarding essential elements of the Apostles of Life program implementation. The FELT-Impact forms are required to be completed at least monthly to assist with establishing areas for the QPC to support the PSS through the supervision process.

Drawing from the Core Competencies for Peer Support Workers, the FELT-Impact measures quickly give a quantified way to evaluate alignment and attunement with the national best practice principles for peer support work. Additionally, the PSS as a program participant is seeking to install hope in others, through application of applying the concepts learned from various evidence-based trainings, prayer/reflection journaling, ministry of presence, and the sharing of their own story of lived experience with a mental health condition, the FELT-Impact measure can support mentoring of the PSS by the QPC.

Therefore, every opportunity for an engagement with a peer is an opportunity for growth, either for the PSS or for the peer, and frequently for both. The overall FELT-Impact Success Score is a metric (0-100) to measure from the perspective of the PSS how it felt for them to experience the phenomena of another’s mental health condition, relative to their own, in the context of being a peer support worker.  PSS are asked to reflect on their actual experiences of peer support interactions in the past month, and then rate their success on five indices: Feeling and Awareness, Effectiveness in Action, Linking to Resources, Talking it out, and Impact to Multiple-Systems. The PSS is to rate each index on a 0-20 scale, then all five scale scores are combined to create the FELT-Impact Success Score.